Risk & Compliance Management

At Integrity Reliance (IR), we offer a wide range of tailored services and products to help enhance corporate governance, assess business risk, provide assurance on control effectiveness and support you in achieving your organization’s goals.

Risk management is all about identifying, assessing, and managing risks that companies face. Following the international standards and the best practices, there are five key objectives in the Risk Management process. These five objectives are:

  • Risks that arise from business strategies and activities are identified and prioritized.
  • Management and the board have determined the level of risk acceptable to the organization.
  • Risk mitigation (reduction) activities are designed and implemented to reduce, or otherwise manage, risk at levels that are acceptable.
  • Risk is periodically reassessed on an ongoing basis.
  • Reports are given periodically to the board and management on the results.

We provide a range of services to help organizations improve their ability to identify and prioritize risk, understand how risks work in concert across departments and business processes, and ultimately to integrate risk management with strategy enactment and realization of objectives. Our professionals will manage the following risks for you.

  • Policies & Procedures Development
  • IT Risk Management
  • Projects & Construction Risk Assessment
  • Compliance Risk Management
  • Fraud Risk Assessment
  • Enterprise Risk Assessment


Do you know if your organization is complying with provisions of applicable laws, regulations, contracts, policies and procedures? Are you sure that you do not have any non-compliance issues with your major contracts? Is there any mechanism to provide you with ongoing compliance assurance? Have you assessed the risk and impact of non-compliance such as revenue loss, penalties and most importantly damage to your organization’s reputation?

When an organization is dealing with multiple regulations, major contracts, polices, standards, etc a streamlined process of managing compliance with each of these initiatives is critical, or else, costs can spiral out of control and the risk of non-compliance increases. The compliance process enables organizations to make compliance repeatable and hence enables them to sustain it on an ongoing basis at a lower cost.

Integrity Reliance (IR) brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to compliance management. Our experts with diversified backgrounds understand the myriad of laws, regulations, standards and internal controls that apply to your business, and can thus assist you with the following specialized services.


Our professionals can help you establish an effective Compliance function in line with international standards such as the US Sentencing Guidelines and Australian Standards as well as leading best practices drawn from industry experts. This would include development and roll out of the Compliance Charter, Compliance Management Policy, Operations Manual, Compliance Obligations Register, Compliance Monitoring and Assurance Program, Breach Reporting, Investigation System, and shortlisting of compliance professionals.


Our compliance professionals can assist you with developing a rolling Compliance and Ethics Assurance Plan and conduct assurance reviews concerning the company’s compliance with shareholders directives, applicable local/international laws, regulations, policies, procedures and contracts.


We can develop and assist you in rolling out an integrated set of Board level documents including Standards of Conduct, Third Party Code of Conduct, Conflicts of Interest Policy, Fraud and Misconduct Policy, Whistle blowing Policy and Business Ethics Committee Charter – in line with international standards and customized to your precise needs.


Our name is based on integrity, we are honest and follow top level of ethics, we don’t offer, neither accept any kind of bribes & we do the right thing in all circumstances even if no one is watching.

We are passionate about our services, we strongly desire for excellence and provide high quality work, beyond our clients expectations. We do our best to accomplish our vision and mission with excellence.

We are more trust worthy because we show accountability towards our commitments and the work we do, showing accountability and responsibility increases the importance and value of our clients.
