Interim Leadership

An experienced interim executive provides the leadership and hands on experience required to sustain business success or adds a specialist skill-set to your organisation for the short-term. This is specifically relevant in scenarios such as implementation of a succession plan, replacing an outgoing expatriate and setting up a new compliance / fraud control / internal audit department.

Integrity Reliance (IR) provides the expertise of seasoned executives on an immediate interim basis, supporting needs of leaders in the areas of compliance, ethics, internal audit and leadership. Our experts invest the time to understand the culture and business of an organisation and handles the high profile interim leadership assignments in every industry sector, particularly oil and gas, healthcare, construction, retail and finance.

Our engagement continues beyond appointment of the right interim manager. We are passionate about our interim managers delivering against a pre-defined set of tasks and targets. By keeping in regular contact and taking performance feedback on completion of an assignment, we ensure a detailed knowledge transfer in achieving performance goals and objectives.


  • Supports your program by providing an interim manager to develop and groom individuals at all levels.
  • No ‘scope-creep’ issues, simply redirect the scope of our interim leader’s work as and when needed.
  • Access to multiple experts for skill sets required for compliance, ethics and internal audit function with flexible engagement terms – full or part time, etc.


Almost every government and semi-government organization has a ‘succession plan’ that includes promoting at various levels. Our skilled interim leader offers the ability to onboard leaders and follows them by providing initial guidance to get them off to a good start. When a new leader reports to work, the interim leader will support him by providing an in-depth review of the department processes and other critical operational details, as well as strengths and areas for continued improvement. A comprehensive orientation for the new leader will include meetings with the executive team which would help him. In this form of interim leadership which is delivered in an experiential learning format, our interim leader works alongside the newly appointed leader in the everyday work environment for a period of few months. The outcome is a successful and long-term leader, who is well established and prepared to meet the challenges of his/her job.


Establishing a new compliance or fraud control or internal audit Department requires a higher level of expertise than leading it once it’s up and running. Currently, many government organizations face challenges in achieving targets, particularly in the area of compliance, ethics and internal audit due to the acute shortage to establish and head these important assurance functions. In order to alleviate the situation, our experts will assume an interim manager role for a short period with an objective to transfer their knowledge and experience to the selected groups. Further, our interim manager will develop a measurable plan to train and groom these professionals to ensure they qualify to take up leadership roles soon upon successful completion of a Knowledge Transfer Program. Our highly skilled interim leader can provide insights needed to establish a new compliance or fraud control or internal audit department including – 

  • Developing and rolling out compliance or fraud control or internal audit management framework in line with international standards and best practices.
  • Assessing culture of ethics and compliance.
  • Developing board level policies and procedure.
  • Evaluating the impact of regulatory developments, advising and helping organisations to adapt to them.
  • Providing ad hoc advice and guidance to business units.
  • Defining risk assessment methodology and developing annual risk based plans.
  • Conducting compliance assurance reviews and investigations of fraud and misconduct.


When a key leader resigns, effective interim leadership during the transition period can be pivotal to maintaining the organization’s forward momentum in a competitive market. A resigning leader typically gives 1-3 months’ notice. With today’s executive searches taking six months or longer, three months are not enough time to hire a qualified replacement. Once notice is given, an executive will commonly begin disengaging from the position, taking paid time off to prepare for a new job. In such a situation, our skilled interim leader can be on-site within two weeks to keep the department running smoothly until you locate a qualified candidate for permanent placement. Thus, by utilizing the interim leader, you will not only buy the time needed to find the right candidate, but also will resolve the issues affecting operations and various stakeholders’ satisfaction.


A top-performing interim leader can substantially improve operational and financial outcomes of your organisation by performing an exhaustive operational assessment to identify areas for improvement, then create a written action plan with practical strategies designed to deliver significant gains in performance. The interim leader will then lead execution of short-term strategies prioritized by your organization while developing a transition plan and long-term recommendations for the subsequent permanent leader.


Leaving a crucial leadership position vacant for medical or personal reasons isn’t an option for today’s dynamic organizations. Utilizing an interim leader in situations like these offers a compassionate alternative, facilitating continued growth in the absence of the executive while ensuring the job is still available when they return. In addition to the peace of mind it gives to the affected professional, it sends a powerful message to the rest of the staff when an organization shows loyalty to a well-respected leader who is struggling with health or family issues. This option also enables the organization to essentially ‘hold the job’ of a highly trained and experienced executive who would otherwise be very costly and extremely difficult to replace.


Our name is based on integrity, we are honest and follow top level of ethics, we don’t offer, neither accept any kind of bribes & we do the right thing in all circumstances even if no one is watching.

We are passionate about our services, we strongly desire for excellence and provide high quality work, beyond our clients expectations. We do our best to accomplish our vision and mission with excellence.

We are more trust worthy because we show accountability towards our commitments and the work we do, showing accountability and responsibility increases the importance and value of our clients.
