Development & Training

Integrity Reliance (IR) professionals hold valuable, wide-spread experience in developing bespoke training packages based on live experiences of individuals working in the same industry. We offer a wide range of highly customized integrated compliance and ethics awareness and training programs offered both on-line and face-to-face.

We will work with you to better understand the science of employee engagement at your organization and help you roll out various initiatives to secure your talent base while ensuring the current and future needs of the business are being met and strategic goals are being achieved.


Research shows that among the highest performing and most successful companies, face to face training remains the most dominant and most preferred form of training provision. Face-to-face training sessions allow for real-time interaction and discussions of difficult issues, allowing every employee time to receive additional guidance as needed.

We offer introductory, intermediate and advance level training workshops tailored to different audiences based on risks associated with their positions and functions. Additional face-to-face training courses are tailored to different audiences at higher risk. Selected integrity topics such as antitrust and integrity leadership are provided to employees in appropriate positions and functions.


Online packages provide flexibility to staff to take the trainings at anytime and anywhere in the world. Also, it tests your staff knowledge, provides an online training certificate and tracks completion status with the facility of sending multiple reminders. Additional features of our online training modules are –

  • Industry leading client services to ensure your training program is not only well-structured but also duly communicated throughout your organization and flawlessly executed.
  • A highly interactive format that engages employees and helps meet training objectives.
  • Relevant and scenario-based content to aid knowledge retention.
  • Courses tailored to territory, language and job role.
  • Media options where you choose what is most appropriate to your online audience – text, graphics or video.
  • Methods to engage remote learners with DVD and mobile applications.


QuickBooks is the best accounting software for small and medium size businesses. Our professionals are QuickBooks expert and can provide valued trainings and support to your employees either face to face or online. We will teach you how to make your book of accounts, financial statements and all related reports through QuickBooks.


In order to minimize the risk of expensive errors and reduce the likelihood of penalties, we tailor and deliver Tax training that best suits the needs of your business.

Under the penalty regime prevailing in many countries, adequate staff training is evidence of “reasonable care” being taken by the organization. Therefore, if penalties are applicable, they are likely to be at a lower level if there is evidence that businesses provided adequate training related to applicable tax laws and regulations to their staff.

Our mode of training varies from theatre-style presentations to small interactive seminars or one-to-one discussions, depending on the nature of business operations and Tax complexities.


Given the varied challenges in proving fraudulent behavior and repairing reputational damage, it is preferable to provide fraud control related trainings pro-actively rather than dealing with it after the incident. Our services in this area include –

  • Fraud awareness presentations.
  • Seminar presentations on areas vulnerable to fraud.
  • Practical workshops on preventing, detecting and investigating commercial crime.
  • Train the trainer courses.
  • Investigator training programs for your fraud control staff.

Our name is based on integrity, we are honest and follow top level of ethics, we don’t offer, neither accept any kind of bribes & we do the right thing in all circumstances even if no one is watching.

We are passionate about our services, we strongly desire for excellence and provide high quality work, beyond our clients expectations. We do our best to accomplish our vision and mission with excellence.

We are more trust worthy because we show accountability towards our commitments and the work we do, showing accountability and responsibility increases the importance and value of our clients.
